G324 Advanced Portfolio in Media 2010/11
Friday, 4 February 2011
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
Photoshop/ Digipack Step by step
This is a response to the question "How did you use new media technologies
in the construction and research, planning and evaluation? "
in the construction and research, planning and evaluation? "
Photoshop printscreens
View more documents from Thomas Hogarth.
Evaluation on Prezi
Final Video
Criteria of a Music Video
Holding A Shot Steady, Where Appropriate
To make sure that the shots we took we used a tripod, however in some of the shots the surface wasn't even to place a tripod, hence the tripod is useless, although we held the camera as steady as possible, they where still shaky, and to fix this we used a function on final cut, this stabilizes the shot, although this doesn't totally fix the problem it can take alot of the movement away.
Framing a Shot, Including and Excluding Elements as Appropriate
to ensure that the shots where framed accordingly we, included and excluded the members of the band and parts in the location where appropriate.
Using a Variety of Shot Distances as Appropriate
within the music video there are several shots, the distance is of importance, say if we needed a character to come close to the screen we would have a long shot and make the character come closer to the screen, if the shot was nearer it wouldn't create a somewhat intimidating shot
Shooting Material Appropriate to the Task Set
to ensure we had good quality video for the video, we took multiple shots of the same scene and took out parts where the quality was no good, hence the video only had the best shots of the video within it.
Selecting Mise-En-Scene Including Colour, Figure, Lighting, Objects and Setting
as we intended the video to be somewhat dark and dismal we decided to shoot, on days where we intended to shoot, the sky was light, but due to bad weather we had to film when we could this made it so that the sky and general scenes where lighter than intended on the plus side, the sky was clouded over so this gave us some effect of what we wanted just not to the standard we originally intended on.
Editing so that Meaning is Apparent to the Viewer
to make the watcher understand on what narritive we where trying to show, even to someone who wouldent watch/ listen to metal music, we edited the video to make scenes fall into place with each other, the scenes with the gas mask where largley took out as it didnt really fit into the narritive and if we kept them in it would confuse the viewer.
Using Varied Shot Transitions, Captions and Other Effects Selectively and Appropriately
with the transactions we only used cuts rather than the preset ones within final cut.however we did use effects within the video such as a ghosting effect, which was achieved by placing the same shot with different transparency over the original shot just that the timing was a tiny bit out of sync with the original video.
Using Sound With Images and Editing Appropriately for the Task
the majority of the shots where 3-4 seconds long unless they needed to be due to a narrative piece or the pace of the music was slower,to ensure that the watcher was more ingrosed within the narrative rather than the performance the deathbat logo, (the bands insignia) was flashing and s brought more attention to the narrative
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Friday, 8 October 2010
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Lyrics Breakdown
(0:00) Instrumental Intro (1:01) (61 seconds)
(1:01) Nightmare! (1:05) (4 seconds)
(1:05) (Now your nightmare comes to life) (1:10) (5 seconds)
(1:10) Dragged you down below down to the devil’s show, To be his guest forever, Peace of mind is less than never (1:18) (8 seconds)
(1:18) Hate to twist your mind, but God ain’t on your side An old acquaintance severed, Render of your last endeavor (1:25) (7 seconds)
(1:25) Ashes burning, you can smell it in the air, Cause men like you have such an easy soul to steal. So stand in line while banging numbers in your head, You’re now a slave until the end of time And nothing stops the madness turning, haunting, yearning, pull the trigger! (1:42) (17 seconds)
(1:42)You should have known The price of evil, And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah Ooooh, it’s your fuckin’ nightmare (2:02) (20 seconds)
(2:02) While your nightmare comes to life (2:08) (6 seconds)
(2:08) Can’t wake up in sweat, cause it ain’t over yet, Still dancing with your demons, Victim of your own creation beyond the will to fight, Where all that’s wrong is right where hate don’t need a reason Love is self-assassination (2:22) (14 seconds)
(2:22) You’ve been lied to just to rape you of your sight, And now they have the nerve to tell you how to feel. So sedated as they medicate your brain And while ya slowly go insane the tell you Give in with your best intentions Help ya with your complications (2:39) (17 seconds)
(2:39) You should have known the price of evil And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah No one to call, everybody to fear Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah. Ooooo it’s your fuckin’ nightmare ha ha ha ha!! (3:16) (37 seconds)
(3:16) Instrumental (4:02) (46 seconds)
(4:02) (ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha) (4:04) (2 seconds)
(4:09) Fight, fight, not to fail, fail Not to fall, fall anekatips Or you’ll end up like the others. (4:16) (7 seconds)
(4:16) Die, die, die again, die Drenched in sin, sin With no respect for another (4:18) (2 seconds)
(4:18) Oh! (4:19) (1 second)
(4:35) Death, You! Feel the fire, fire Feel the hate, hate Your pain is what we desire. Lost, lost, hit the wall, wall Watch you crawl, crawl Such a replaceable liar. (4:49) (14 seconds)
(4:49) And I know you hear their voices (calling from above), And I know they may seem real (these signals of love), But a life’s made up of choices (some without appeal), (5:12) (23 seconds)
(5:13) They took for granted your soul And it’s ours now to steal (5:20) (7 seconds)
(5:22) As your nightmare comes to life (5:26) (4 seconds)
(5:26) You should have known the price of evil And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah No one to call, everybody to fear Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah. Ooooo it’s your fuckin’ nightmare ha ha ha ha!! (6:03) (37 seconds)
(6:03) Ending (6:18) (15 seconds)
(1:01) Nightmare! (1:05) (4 seconds)
(1:05) (Now your nightmare comes to life) (1:10) (5 seconds)
(1:10) Dragged you down below down to the devil’s show, To be his guest forever, Peace of mind is less than never (1:18) (8 seconds)
(1:18) Hate to twist your mind, but God ain’t on your side An old acquaintance severed, Render of your last endeavor (1:25) (7 seconds)
(1:25) Ashes burning, you can smell it in the air, Cause men like you have such an easy soul to steal. So stand in line while banging numbers in your head, You’re now a slave until the end of time And nothing stops the madness turning, haunting, yearning, pull the trigger! (1:42) (17 seconds)
(1:42)You should have known The price of evil, And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah Ooooh, it’s your fuckin’ nightmare (2:02) (20 seconds)
(2:02) While your nightmare comes to life (2:08) (6 seconds)
(2:08) Can’t wake up in sweat, cause it ain’t over yet, Still dancing with your demons, Victim of your own creation beyond the will to fight, Where all that’s wrong is right where hate don’t need a reason Love is self-assassination (2:22) (14 seconds)
(2:22) You’ve been lied to just to rape you of your sight, And now they have the nerve to tell you how to feel. So sedated as they medicate your brain And while ya slowly go insane the tell you Give in with your best intentions Help ya with your complications (2:39) (17 seconds)
(2:39) You should have known the price of evil And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah No one to call, everybody to fear Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah. Ooooo it’s your fuckin’ nightmare ha ha ha ha!! (3:16) (37 seconds)
(3:16) Instrumental (4:02) (46 seconds)
(4:02) (ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha) (4:04) (2 seconds)
(4:09) Fight, fight, not to fail, fail Not to fall, fall anekatips Or you’ll end up like the others. (4:16) (7 seconds)
(4:16) Die, die, die again, die Drenched in sin, sin With no respect for another (4:18) (2 seconds)
(4:18) Oh! (4:19) (1 second)
(4:35) Death, You! Feel the fire, fire Feel the hate, hate Your pain is what we desire. Lost, lost, hit the wall, wall Watch you crawl, crawl Such a replaceable liar. (4:49) (14 seconds)
(4:49) And I know you hear their voices (calling from above), And I know they may seem real (these signals of love), But a life’s made up of choices (some without appeal), (5:12) (23 seconds)
(5:13) They took for granted your soul And it’s ours now to steal (5:20) (7 seconds)
(5:22) As your nightmare comes to life (5:26) (4 seconds)
(5:26) You should have known the price of evil And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah No one to call, everybody to fear Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah. Ooooo it’s your fuckin’ nightmare ha ha ha ha!! (6:03) (37 seconds)
(6:03) Ending (6:18) (15 seconds)
Monday, 20 September 2010
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Sent message to avenged sevenfold
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Advert anyalsis magasine promotion

The adverts I am looking into are of the similar genre and even though some are magazine covers these still come under the advertisement category the first I am looking at is kerrang the font used to there name is the same on all of there albums and this defines them as a band people who see the font know instantly that it is avenged sevenfold this is their trademark of some sort. The next advert is one of a concert of some sort hosted by rock star energy drinks this is a common poster that would of been posted around city’s of sorts and display names of different bands the most known being at the top this also uses the same fonts as the artists bands and this is because the font the bands name is in is distinctive. The last one is a magazine cover for queen all though this is somewhat outdated queen brought the image off rock into peoples vision and uses their font of queen the same as the other adverts the images used on all three adverts are distinctive as with the queen advert we have the iconic bohemian rhapsody picture of the video this shows all the members of the band. This technique is common in adverts some form of iconic part of the band is used within the adverts weather that its imagery or font. The kerrang advert shows the band showing the main singer/member of the band at front to be more dominant and more important in the band this is shown via positioning of the band. This advert also uses the font idea and having a clear image of the band. The atyru advert doesn’t show any imagery of the band or any bands named as this would be hectic on a gig poster/pamphlet .by using the font idea it still sticks out but imagery is somewhat stereotypical of the metal genre with wings red and black colour an assortment of fonts etc.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Digi Pack Anyalsis GSY
Within an album cover there are several features. Typically it would have the name of the band/singer depending on the genre, the album would also have the name of the album. there would be imagery that would relate to the band/singer or the contents of the songs within the album.anime's in japan have song albums and with in the third album of My Chemical Romance, The Black Parade. It shows the image of a marcher wearing black, this leads to the name "The Black Parade".
the following album covers are in front of me

the four covers are visually different it shows one with colour (riot girl) this represents the nature of the music sweet and innocent where as the bullet for my valentine it shows a more comic book effect with cartoonised characters but the colour is limited and black takes hold of the image throwing it into mystery. the first avenged sevenfold album cover shows the logo of the band this would make the buyer intrigued to see what they where about as it was something new simple colours say that they are not showy, and finally cage the elephants first ablum shows a lot of colour and say look at us, as this was their first album they wanted to get known and by making a album cover full of colour and life it shows who and what they are
album covers serve many functions such as promotion there are several more such as to get across the image of the band and to show what the band is about the more lively the colour the more lively the band and the more dismal the colour the more dismal the band ti represents who the band is and what they stand for you wouldn't expect a screemo band to have a bright pink album cover
The cover that i have decided to focus on is one from an anime called k-on! the art is from a band within the anime called Death Devil Love

Hence imagery used with in the album art love by death devil is some what different to normal album art as this is an album from an anime based band the images can be somewhat unrealistic and far fetched as with the 4 band members standing within flames and blue flames engulfing them. The back cover shows death holding the earth this could relate to the front cover somehow as though hell has escaped and is going to engulf the earth this is only achievable via animation and drawing the font for the word love is made to look like flames and is the opposite color of blue witch is red the word love is made to look like one with the flames obviously we know that this isn’t possible but because this is animation/ drawing it is possible. The front cover is made to draw people in as fans of the anime, which it is from K-on! Will know what it is from and will more than likely be drawn into it hence the little k-on! Logo in the bottom right corner people who don’t know about the anime would be drawing into it as it is extremely colorful and bright which is the complete opposite of the music witch is dark and dismal. The wardrobe of the band refer to what type of music it truly is as stereotypical that type of dress code is classed with goths/emos or metal bands. The potential audience of this album would be fans of the anime k-on! Which are teens from 14-20 as it is from a popular anime. The inner sleeve shows the song names and is deliberately in English as it has been translated into English for fans of the anime. The pure reason for the translation is for the audience to know who and what did recording etc it also shows a very dark picture of the band standing on the world.
the following album covers are in front of me

the four covers are visually different it shows one with colour (riot girl) this represents the nature of the music sweet and innocent where as the bullet for my valentine it shows a more comic book effect with cartoonised characters but the colour is limited and black takes hold of the image throwing it into mystery. the first avenged sevenfold album cover shows the logo of the band this would make the buyer intrigued to see what they where about as it was something new simple colours say that they are not showy, and finally cage the elephants first ablum shows a lot of colour and say look at us, as this was their first album they wanted to get known and by making a album cover full of colour and life it shows who and what they are
album covers serve many functions such as promotion there are several more such as to get across the image of the band and to show what the band is about the more lively the colour the more lively the band and the more dismal the colour the more dismal the band ti represents who the band is and what they stand for you wouldn't expect a screemo band to have a bright pink album cover
The cover that i have decided to focus on is one from an anime called k-on! the art is from a band within the anime called Death Devil Love

Hence imagery used with in the album art love by death devil is some what different to normal album art as this is an album from an anime based band the images can be somewhat unrealistic and far fetched as with the 4 band members standing within flames and blue flames engulfing them. The back cover shows death holding the earth this could relate to the front cover somehow as though hell has escaped and is going to engulf the earth this is only achievable via animation and drawing the font for the word love is made to look like flames and is the opposite color of blue witch is red the word love is made to look like one with the flames obviously we know that this isn’t possible but because this is animation/ drawing it is possible. The front cover is made to draw people in as fans of the anime, which it is from K-on! Will know what it is from and will more than likely be drawn into it hence the little k-on! Logo in the bottom right corner people who don’t know about the anime would be drawing into it as it is extremely colorful and bright which is the complete opposite of the music witch is dark and dismal. The wardrobe of the band refer to what type of music it truly is as stereotypical that type of dress code is classed with goths/emos or metal bands. The potential audience of this album would be fans of the anime k-on! Which are teens from 14-20 as it is from a popular anime. The inner sleeve shows the song names and is deliberately in English as it has been translated into English for fans of the anime. The pure reason for the translation is for the audience to know who and what did recording etc it also shows a very dark picture of the band standing on the world.
Primary audience questionare
1. What do your nightmares consist off?
2. What Phobias do you have?
3. What features would you expect to see in a metal music video?
4. What do you think are the conventions of a metal music video?
5. What camera shots would expect to see?
[ ] Point of View
[ ] High Angle/Low Angle
[ ] Medium Shot
[ ] Long Shot
[ ] Close Up
[ ] Other – If So specify
6. What Clothing/Costume Would You Expect To See?
7. What Type of Video do you think metal videos use?
[ ] Disjunction
[ ] Illustrative
[ ] Amplification
7. Would you expect to see shots of the bands instruments?
8. How many cuts would you expect to see?
9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate this genre? 10 being the best and 1 being the worst
1 5 10
10. How often do you listen to bands from this genre?
11. How many bands do you know from this genre?

1. What do your nightmares consist off?
2. What Phobias do you have?
3. What features would you expect to see in a metal music video?
4. What do you think are the conventions of a metal music video?
5. What camera shots would expect to see?
[ ] Point of View
[ ] High Angle/Low Angle
[ ] Medium Shot
[ ] Long Shot
[ ] Close Up
[ ] Other – If So specify
6. What Clothing/Costume Would You Expect To See?
7. What Type of Video do you think metal videos use?
[ ] Disjunction
[ ] Illustrative
[ ] Amplification
7. Would you expect to see shots of the bands instruments?
8. How many cuts would you expect to see?
9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate this genre? 10 being the best and 1 being the worst
1 5 10
10. How often do you listen to bands from this genre?
11. How many bands do you know from this genre?

The history of heavy metal music
Mid-1960s - Bands such as The Rolling Stones create blues rock by covering songs by American blues artists and speeding up the tempo. This genre would have a major influence on early heavy metal artists.
1968 - The first heavy metal bands to attract large amounts of attention are formed. These are Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin and Deep Purple. All of them are British
1970's - On the other side of the Atlantic the first successful American metal band, Grand Funk Railroad, start to set the trend as many other American bands start to follow suit over the following years. These include Dust (1971), Blue Öyster Cult (1972), and Kiss (1974). Although formed around the same time as the other major British bands in the mid-1970's Judas Preist drop the genre's blues influences and modernized the 'twin-guitar' sound giving the genre a sound closer to that of present day heavy metal.
Late 1970's to 1980's - With the emergence of Punk Rock in the mid-1970's heavy metal record sales began to drop. Many act's decided to adapt the genre's aggressive, high energy sound. One such band formed in 1975 was Motörhead. This lead to the 'New Wave Of British Heavy Metal' or NWOBHM for short. Other such bands involved in this movement were the likes of Iron Maiden, Saxon and Def Leppard and in 1980 it broke into the mainstream charts.
1980's - Many sub genres of metal started to develop outside of the commercial heavy metal movement. The main five of these were trash metal, death metal, black metal, power metal, and the related subgenres of doom and Gothic metal. The trash metal movement was popularised by the 'Big Four Of Thrash': Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth and Slayer. The lyrics of thrash often express nihilistic views or deal with social issues using visceral, gory language whilst the instruments tend to be played faster and more aggressive than the original metal acts.
Death metal utilizes the speed and aggression of both thrash and hardcore, fused with lyrics preoccupied with Z-grade slasher movie violence and Satanism. Death metal vocals are typically bleak, involving guttural 'death growls', high-pitched screaming, the 'death rasp', and other uncommon techniques. Complementing the deep, aggressive vocal style are down tuned, highly distorted guitars and extremely fast percussion, often with rapid double bass drumming and 'wall of sound'–style blast beats. Frequent tempo and time signature changes and syncopation are also typical.
Unlike both thrash and death metal which were developed in the US, black metal developed in Europe mainly in areas such as Sweden. Black metal varies considerably in style and production quality, although most bands emphasize shrieked and growled vocals, highly distorted guitars frequently played with rapid tremolo picking, a 'dark' atmosphere. Satanic themes are common in black metal, though many bands take inspiration from ancient paganism, promoting a return to pre-Christian values.
Power Metal remains an underground genre in North America however it does have a high level of popularity in Europe, Japan and South America. Power metal came about largely in reaction to the harshness of death and black metal. It is characterized through the use of power riffs, a melodic approach and high-pitched 'clean' vocals similar to that of Iron Maiden and Judas Priest with thrash's speed and energy mixed in.
1990's - With the emergence of grunge bands like Nirvana metals mainstream dominance came to an end. The post-thrash groove metal genre starts to appear with bands such as Pantera and White Zombie becoming very popular. Many of the metal bands form in the early 90's become known under the umbrella term 'alternative metal'. Bands central to this movement are those such as Soundgarden and Alice in Chains. In the mid to late 90's a new wave of U.S. metal groups started to emerge influenced by alternative metal bands and their mix of genres. Dubbed 'nu metal' bands such as Linkin Park, Papa Roach and Korn incorporated elements ranging from death metal to hip-hop often including DJs and rap-style vocals. Nu metal gained popularity thanks to heavy rotation on MTV and the introduction of Ozzy Osbourne's Ozzfest in 1996. However nu metal wasn't widely embraced by all of the metal community and by 2003 few nu metal bands such as System of a Down still retained substantial followings.
2000's - Metalcore starts to emerge in the US combing elements from both thrash metal and hardcore punk and becomes a commercial force in the mid 2000's. The genre became mainstream when Killswitch Engage's album 'End of Heartache' and Shadows Fall's album 'The War Within' debuted at 21 and 20 respectively on the Billboard album chart whilst in the UK Bullet For My Valentine reached mainstream success in 2008 with the album 'Scream Aim Fire'. At the same time 'retro-metal' starts to emerge with English band The Darkness and Australian bands Wolfmother and Airbourne. These are bands which are seen to have and 80's sound such as Airbourne having a similar sound to AC/DC.
1968 - The first heavy metal bands to attract large amounts of attention are formed. These are Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin and Deep Purple. All of them are British
1970's - On the other side of the Atlantic the first successful American metal band, Grand Funk Railroad, start to set the trend as many other American bands start to follow suit over the following years. These include Dust (1971), Blue Öyster Cult (1972), and Kiss (1974). Although formed around the same time as the other major British bands in the mid-1970's Judas Preist drop the genre's blues influences and modernized the 'twin-guitar' sound giving the genre a sound closer to that of present day heavy metal.
Late 1970's to 1980's - With the emergence of Punk Rock in the mid-1970's heavy metal record sales began to drop. Many act's decided to adapt the genre's aggressive, high energy sound. One such band formed in 1975 was Motörhead. This lead to the 'New Wave Of British Heavy Metal' or NWOBHM for short. Other such bands involved in this movement were the likes of Iron Maiden, Saxon and Def Leppard and in 1980 it broke into the mainstream charts.
1980's - Many sub genres of metal started to develop outside of the commercial heavy metal movement. The main five of these were trash metal, death metal, black metal, power metal, and the related subgenres of doom and Gothic metal. The trash metal movement was popularised by the 'Big Four Of Thrash': Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth and Slayer. The lyrics of thrash often express nihilistic views or deal with social issues using visceral, gory language whilst the instruments tend to be played faster and more aggressive than the original metal acts.
Death metal utilizes the speed and aggression of both thrash and hardcore, fused with lyrics preoccupied with Z-grade slasher movie violence and Satanism. Death metal vocals are typically bleak, involving guttural 'death growls', high-pitched screaming, the 'death rasp', and other uncommon techniques. Complementing the deep, aggressive vocal style are down tuned, highly distorted guitars and extremely fast percussion, often with rapid double bass drumming and 'wall of sound'–style blast beats. Frequent tempo and time signature changes and syncopation are also typical.
Unlike both thrash and death metal which were developed in the US, black metal developed in Europe mainly in areas such as Sweden. Black metal varies considerably in style and production quality, although most bands emphasize shrieked and growled vocals, highly distorted guitars frequently played with rapid tremolo picking, a 'dark' atmosphere. Satanic themes are common in black metal, though many bands take inspiration from ancient paganism, promoting a return to pre-Christian values.
Power Metal remains an underground genre in North America however it does have a high level of popularity in Europe, Japan and South America. Power metal came about largely in reaction to the harshness of death and black metal. It is characterized through the use of power riffs, a melodic approach and high-pitched 'clean' vocals similar to that of Iron Maiden and Judas Priest with thrash's speed and energy mixed in.
1990's - With the emergence of grunge bands like Nirvana metals mainstream dominance came to an end. The post-thrash groove metal genre starts to appear with bands such as Pantera and White Zombie becoming very popular. Many of the metal bands form in the early 90's become known under the umbrella term 'alternative metal'. Bands central to this movement are those such as Soundgarden and Alice in Chains. In the mid to late 90's a new wave of U.S. metal groups started to emerge influenced by alternative metal bands and their mix of genres. Dubbed 'nu metal' bands such as Linkin Park, Papa Roach and Korn incorporated elements ranging from death metal to hip-hop often including DJs and rap-style vocals. Nu metal gained popularity thanks to heavy rotation on MTV and the introduction of Ozzy Osbourne's Ozzfest in 1996. However nu metal wasn't widely embraced by all of the metal community and by 2003 few nu metal bands such as System of a Down still retained substantial followings.
2000's - Metalcore starts to emerge in the US combing elements from both thrash metal and hardcore punk and becomes a commercial force in the mid 2000's. The genre became mainstream when Killswitch Engage's album 'End of Heartache' and Shadows Fall's album 'The War Within' debuted at 21 and 20 respectively on the Billboard album chart whilst in the UK Bullet For My Valentine reached mainstream success in 2008 with the album 'Scream Aim Fire'. At the same time 'retro-metal' starts to emerge with English band The Darkness and Australian bands Wolfmother and Airbourne. These are bands which are seen to have and 80's sound such as Airbourne having a similar sound to AC/DC.
Music video ideas

Music videos that have the similar feel to what we want to achieve
K-on! NO Thank You
Avenged Sevenfold A Little Piece Of Heaven
the official video can't be uploded via copyright to see the full version please follow link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VurhzANQ_B0&ob=av3n
A-ha - Take On Me
although this genre is totally different to what we are filming the style of animation is unique and will help with the animation of the parts as it gives ideas what can be achieved with drawing.the embed link has been disabled although this is the link to the video
Friday, 9 July 2010
Shot Count - Maximum the Hormone - Zetsubou Billy
Amount of Cuts: 102
MEAT Shots: 40
Type of Shots: Medium close up, wide shots
Type of Camera Movement: Shaky, hand-held, and steady.
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Opie Me and warhol Me
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